I shouldn't have.
If I had any true class or refinement I wouldn't have done this.
But goddamn it!, Theodora is 1 now and still only has about the same amount of hair Raphaela was born with...so I got the girl a headband.
*EB readers swoon in disgust at my lack of taste*
Even I think they're stupid, but hey I had to do something...ok!
I still think she looks pretty cute in it.
And cheeky, mustn't forget cheeky.
We had a nice day wandering the Glenelg shops yesterday, Beau was at a work trial(yes Dear Constant Reader, after he in true Chef fashion threw some plates around and quit his job yesterday) so we had some time to kill.
We ended up chilling out on the grass with a horrible/wonderful! greasy Yiros and watching the world go by.
Oh and my car radio caught on fire...but that my Darling Dearest Constant Reader is a whole other tale.
I'm not sure who wanted the Yiros more, the seagulls or Ted!
Last of all, for you Mumsy, my new haircut.
It was traumatic...but I got there in the end!