As some of my Dear Constant Readers would know Bruno has never been a great talker.
He was very very late to talk at all and now at nearly 4 his latest assessment has been a moderate to
severe expressive and receptive language delay. At one stage I truly believed I'd never
have a child that would ever talk.
Anywho...the other day I was on the phone to my poor mother whinging (as per usual)
about what the kids had been doing to torture my fragile mind that particular day.
I was halfway through a particularly energetic vent about Bruno...(Arggg he follows me
everywhere, Arggg if i hear Mummy, Mummy , Mummy, mum, mummy? MUMMY!!! one more time
that day i was going to scream, if i heard him ask me the same sentence 17 gazillion
times once more i was going to scream , WOULD THAT DAMN CHILD EVER SHUT UP!!!??)
when she calmly and quite humorously reminded me of all the times I said full of woe to
her that I'd give my right leg, favourite pair of jeans etc to be able to say that Bruno
never shut up. That I would have been grateful for just one mummy.
Well I had about a billion "Mummy's" that particular day and I hadn't been grateful for any of them.
I guess it just made me stop and smell the roses a bit,we're at a stage with Bruno's talking that
we never thought we'd reach so soon and I don't want to take a moment of it for granted.
I was pondering this exact subject driving home this afternoon from Kindy, zoning out to my
too loud music when I heard his little voice pipe up from the backseat.
"Mummy I talkn to YOU"
Yes Bruno, yes you are!
(P.S excuse the fact I have no new photos, the monsters have misplaced my camera)