At least in Far North Queensland.
After much finger drumming and whinging about the humidity the heavens have seen fit to open and rain down upon us.
Of course in perfect timing this also coincided with my Zucchini and Pumpkin setting about 300 fruit which have now all rotted, and back to school for the elder children of mine. Which meant I had the debatable pleasure of chaperoning back to school on Wednesday two children who by the time they reached their new classrooms were soggier than drowned rats and almost $200 of drenched school books.
The Joy.
But yes our Fat Boy otherwise known as The Child who had a Speech Delay yet now won't shut up has started school. Prep. I'd almost pretend I'm human and I shed a tear, but Dearest Constant Reader you know me too well. I shoved him through that door with more glee and I even experience when I hit the David Jones sales and went rocketing home to enjoy the peace and quiet.
Oh and the rain....mustn't forget the rain.
Well that's about it for us at the moment...I'm slowly trying to restore the veggie garden to some semblance of order after the torrential rain and within a few days "Our Girls" aka Angry Chook, Zen Hen and Poppet's Chicken Palace should be ready and I'll update with pictures ( Beau is fancying himself muchly,with reason mind you)