Beau had the day off yesterday so he had a Boys Day Out with Bruno.
Apparently much fun was had by all, Bruno chased a goat, saw a cow & went on the Dodgem Cars.
Beau even stopped by Waste not Want not on the way home and bought me some organic pasta....Bless his hairy little heart.
Today was busy busy busy again...Theodora had swim lessons whilst Raphaela visited at Brunos daycare.
Then off to C.A.F.E Enfield to meet with Erin and Tamia for playgroup .
I can't believe how big Tamia is now,here she is with her friend Keisha.
Then home in time to get Bruno from daycare.
Also a BIG thankyou to Belle & Boo on Etsy for the beautiful pictures of the Super Princess.
They now have pride of place on Theodora's bedroom wall, & I like to think of her there looking down on my Bebe girl.
Ava is still very much thought of in this household.
I LOVE that pic of Raph with the doll Ow ~ once again, she looks like you're double.
The bloody show ~ cost me a fortune in the end.....14 showbags later LMAO. Kara kept telling me to stop but I looooooove lollies :P
Thanks Edie I copied the Ava photo, it looks very pretty x
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