And for a start stop being filthy you lot, I'm talking about blogging!
Secondly it's all lies, it's not at all like riding a bike, I can't remember
a damn thing...where is the thingamie button to post pics? How do I do this?
how do I do that? I have the memory of a goldfish so it's like learning to ride
said bike all over again.
Well I'm back ;)
I thought I'd be back because Domestic Goddess I am, I made my truly superb
Tess Kiros Meatloaf the other night for dinner and I wanted to share with the world
what a clever clever chook I am.
Then I realised I didn't take a picture.
Then I realised I'm as unmotivated as hell.
Then I forgot.
Then I decided that I'm going to die in childbirth with this pregnancy from an amniotic embolism (reason #7585 why Dr Google is NOT your friend ) and in the search for information about my future manner of death came across this foul piece of blogging trash. I tried to insert her Blog as a clickable link
but it was an epic fail.
I'm not particularly passionate about Home birth, not that I don't think it's a wonderful idea, but I just KNOW I'd be racing around afterwards wanting to mop up blood and home births and white bedlinen is so not a match made in heaven ( plus I'm a sicko that loves hospitals and even *gasp* hospital food).
But Dearest long suffering and now probably non existent Constant Reader, her views on homebirth are just vicious, she's meant to be an Ob Gyn but the language she uses to describe home births, the midwives that attend them and the woman who have them are just, well , petty?
She sounds like a 14 year old who's boycrush decided to take her uglier nicer friend to the movies instead of her.
Soooooooo of course I went poking about in her Blog and what was her latest post about...Down Syndrome of course *sigh* . And because I have all the self preservation and control of a gnat I stayed and read it...and let my panties wedge further up my bum crack, then commented , then got my panties further twisted.
Result, now I'm here Blogging about it.
My first disclaimer is that I am not religious at all and I am not Pro Life.
My views about termination and Down Syndrome derive from neither of the above things, in fact if anything the fact I'm not religious means effects to an extent the way I feel about D.S and termination for medical reasons.
We get one shot at this life kiddo's and Down Syndrome is not a bloody good enough reason to let that chance go.
I read recently on Essential Baby someone parrot the view that there are some "Fates worse than death" too justify terminating a fetus with Down Syndrome.
I dare, I effing double dare, anyone with that view to come live with me and observe Raphaela's life and tell me that her fate , her very existence is worse that being dead. The very concept is so far removed from the truth it's difficult to even dignify it with a response. Yet the sad thing is that it's quite a common view, especially( a view made from my very unreliable experience online in the past 6 years) in American culture and nowhere do you see this view parroted more than in the U.S blogging community and in U.S parenting forums.
What I think bothers me more than anything is the lack of honesty and posturing behind it all. Say you don't want a child with Down Syndrome, say it's to hard or hurts too bad or they look funny....hell medical inducement will make it all go away.
But do not patronise me and pretend that being born with Down Syndrome is hell on earth, that that extra 21st chromosome guarantee's a short lifetime of medical problems and pain,a worthless life, of being a burden on their families.
If we were going to bargain away the lives of our children on odds, we'd be better off only having children with Down Syndrome, anyone ever googled everything that can go wrong with a chromosomally "normal" child?
What people like the esteemed Dr Amy Tuteur MD and like minded colleagues fail to grasp in the nasty little cesspit they call a mind, is that parents like me, parents of children with Down Syndrome, advocate and get caught up in these extremely painful discussion not through some sadist need or because "quote" of the guilt of bearing a defective offspring.
We, not Dr Amy Tuteur MD, not any of the other Dr's or genetic counsellors LIVE with a child with Down Syndrome every day. Not a "high functioning" child as my friend Dr Amy Tuteur MD would like to claim. But a child whos quality of life is as good as any of her siblings. Who deserves to LIVE. Just like any of her unborn peers.
So take that Dr Amy Tuteur MD and shove it up your pipehole.
P.s Melissa, will be back with said meatloaf recipe when I've finished making playdoh voodoo dolls of my favourite blogger :)
Welcome back Eden we have missed you... Oh and by the way I never deleted your link off bloglines so it showed a new post from you, I haven't been checking in everyday for the past 2 years awaiting your return :P
Who is this fuckheadcough I mean blogger? Link?
More pic's of gorgeous children please :)
I tried to insert the link in my post but failed.
I'm good like that :)
You are an amazing, articulate woman who has said this better than anyone else could have.
I actually think narrow-minded,discriminatory bigots who have a lower IQ than a gnat should have been terminated. Unfortunately I do not think they have pre-natal testing for that yet.
I did suggest to her that I would be much guilter about bring such vile sludge as her into this universe than a child like Raphaela.
But she deleted that comment, along with 3 others.
She doesn't want an unbiased debate, she want's to be Hitler grandstanding to the crowd.
Thanks for all the beautiful comments ladies :)
You changed the name!
Your post, as you know, was perfect. Thank you for letting me link to it.
And thank you for letting me 'borrow' Raphaela. There could not be a more beautiful face to put on this issue.
Thank you {{{hugs}}}.
I am so glad I am not the only one out there who has been angered by the likes of EB too!
And as for this dr. I am just so livid. My skin has been crawling with the anticipation of punching her! I don't usually get angry enough that I can physically feel it. But she has managed to dredge that up in me!
OMFG Eden, I couldn't have put that better myself - you have an awesome way with words! I totally agree with everything you said. Down Syndrome really isn't the worst thing in the world! You fucking Rock!
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