Sunday was another one of my beautiful shining days, so it was quite fitting that it was the annual Down Syndrome Association of South Australia's Family Fun day.
What a wonderful (albeit busy hot and sticky ) day we had!
Erin and I packed up our whole tribe, buckled and strapped them into their respective prams, strollers and baby slings and off we trotted to check out the festivities.
Well it had just about everything a Raphaela could dream of.
Petting Zoo, Pony's (SAUCY'S MUMMY SAUCY'S), Santa , snags galore and last but most certainly not least 50 CENT DIXIE CUPS!!!.
Raphaela had a blast watching the magic show and Theodora was obsessed with the piglets and baby goat at the petting zoo.
I actually remembered my camera for once, but I forgot to charge the battery so my camera carked it just as I went to take pictures of Bruno and Raph having horsey rides.
To top the day off we also got to meet two lovely ladies...Karen who has a little girl Grace the same age as Raphaela with Down Syndrome ( we kept missing eachother like ships in the night at mytime!) & a lovely EB mum (*waves to Jess*).
Today I had lovely relaxing day shopping for Xmas decorations...How I adore the silly season.
We were going to drive to Hahndorf but decided we'll save that for next week.
Then it was home again to make curry and bake a homemade apple,peach and blueberry will go nicely at the beach picnic we're planning tomorrow.
Stat tuned Constant is now charged!
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