South Australian weather in summer...what more can I say...Bliss!
We made the trip out to Semaphore Beach yesterday to take the kids for a swim.
We ( & when I say we, I mean "I") made a delicious picnic lunch, bundled the kids into the car and off we went.
Beau and the kids had fun playing in on the excellent waterfront playground whilst I sat back and swilled from my ever present bottle of diet coke.
We even managed to get Raph and Bruno on the swings, as you can see they loved it!.
After the kids burned off some energy we headed down to the actual beach...Theodora ate about her own weight in sand and seemed like a real beach bebe. Not bad for a child that is nearly 1 and has only ever been to the beach once before.
Raphaela and Bruno of course spent the entire time racing around stealing each other's buckets and spades and trying to drown themselves while Erin and I soaked up some sun.
I also got some classic shots of Raphaela's midday breakdown, and of the children chasing some more seagulls.
All in all another lovely day, I really must make sure we get to the beach more often.
Ciao for now.
I'm sorry but I refuse to believe one can have a pleasant day at the beach with out the threat of box jelly fish and crocodiles ever present. I'd go so far as to say you are trying to convince yourself that your day at Semaphore was more pleasant than a dip in the pleasant brown bliss that is Yorky's...
Ahhhhh how I miss that murky brown threatening soup they call a beach in Cairns.
I really do miss your dry wit , I PMSL at your reply !!
And I miss the one person on earth that gets it!
OMFG Eden ~ that pic of Raph on the swing is soooooo divine ~ I want a copy xxx
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