So once again the time has come that I share the excitement that is my life with you all.
Firstly I have a confession.
I am cool, and I don't mean in a big sunnies, Nicole Ritchie kinda way. I mean my body temperature is hovering at comfortable, which can only mean one thing.
I have caved and used the aircon for the first time this year.
I know I knoooow, but the temperature reached 39 in some places here today, the humidity was the normal wet tropics sauna levels and after a day of being out in the sun hand weeding the veggie garden I couldn't hack it anymore.
Ok I've admitted it, lets move on shall we.....
Firstly another Brag for Beau....he was home Monday so he did another "Skip Scavenge" and found enough wood to knock together a potting table for me.
Veggie garden is slowly recovering from the epic rain we had last week, I think my zucc's will fruit after all if there isn't another big downpour, and after removing the older mildew affected leaves it's looking much perkier. The gourd seeds I planted for Beau have sprouted and I found a few self seeded tomatoes in the watermelon patch. I'm really waiting for March though and that's when the serious planting shall commence.
I also lost my contacting virginity the other day, I think my left eye is still twitching slightly. I had to help Teddy contact and decorate her "special book" for Kindy.
What evil despot invented that foul sticky stuff I don't know, but my life was definitely happier without it lol
Other than that I think my days just revolve around school pick up/drop off and feeding said school children. I had fond ideas of pottering around organising the new Bebes room etc whilst the older kids were at school, but it seems all I do is race around baking for their school lunches.
At least if they don't remember the effort I went to when they're older they can check this blog for proof!
Latest effort for the school lunchbox was homemade labna and hotcross buns. Both successful but I'm not sure how wise I was for picking such a god awful stinking hot day to bake them.
The recipe for the buns is just one I found specifically for the breadmaker, A few people have asked for the "recipe" so here we go.
Hot Cross Buns
Water 330ml
Margarine 2 tbs
1 Egg
3/4 cup sultanas
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 Brown Sugar
520g Plain Flour
2 1/2 tsp yeast
Add to Breadmaker and turn use Pizza setting, or one approx 1 1/2 hours, you only need one rise
Take out risen dough, knead on a floured surface until springy and then shape dough on a greased tray into 12 buns.
Leave in a warm place for half an hour to rise.
80g Plain flour
80ml water
2 tsp Sugar
Mix well and pipe onto top of buns.
Bake at 180 for 30 minutes
Glaze while warm.
2 tbs water
2tbs sugar
1 tsp Gelatine.
Dissolve ingredients either on stovetop or microwave then glaze buns.
And of course if anyone has any good school lunch recipes to share, knock yourselves out.
Until next time ....