Well I use the word "harvest" very loosely but hey, we're starting to eat actual real food from our actual real garden, so that's a start at least!
We had Pasta Primavera last night, with our own snake beans, and first zucchini and a lone tomato.
I also found a ripe watermelon hiding in the sweet potato patch when I was weeding, I had no idea of it's existence until then and that made a nice surprise
The sunflowers have bloomed too,just a smaller variety but I planted Giant Russians a few days ago so I hope I have some success with them. It would be quite spectacular to have 3 metre high flowers to gaze at when I wake in the morning ( well when I'm not gazing at Teddys face 2 millimetres from mine, "Mummy, Mum , Mummy, Muuuum Mum ,MUMMY").
Other than that it's just been nesting/baking/nesting/baking....6 weeks to go now until bebe #4 is here but 6 weeks may as well be 6 years in this weather, I feel like an elephant who has been pregnant for years.But nursery is ready to go, pram re-assembled,Etsy quilt arrived, carseat bought and now all I really have to do is pay off a few remaining laybuys, and sit at home and mope...whilst baking bread and other delicious things that are contributing to my backfat.
Oh and find The Name, we really must do that....I really think the poor poppet is going to be called Baby all her life, Beau and I are having so much trouble settling on a name.
And yes Valentina and Serafina are definately out my Constant Readers.
So.....what you YOU think she looks like? ;)
Sob. Valentina's out??????????????
You're killing me. :-(
Luciana then? Or Lucia.
Loled at "Mummy..Mummy" from Teddy. Yesterday, at 4am, I woke to Sammy's fingers up my nose. It's all the same, really, isn't it?
I love your sunflowers, they're gorgeous! I have some seeds lying around somewhere that produce sunflowers 10 metres tall. Or maybe not. I am not sure, just hazarding a wild guess!
I didn't realise you were pregnant, how exciting! I like Mel's suggestion of Luciana.
You have a lovely big belly!
Sal xxo
Awww such a beautiful belly! I Love it! Oh and totally Looove the sunflowers, one of my fav flowers, they just make ya smile.
K kisses for all the Princess' & the Prince oh & the beast (Beau if you didn't figure)
Luv Aunty B
You most definately do not look like an elephant - you look gorgeous!!! And well done on your garden and the nursery looks divine. I can appreciate the feeling like an elephant though - totally hearing you on that one!
How about "Neat Bump"?? You are in seriously good shape for Baby # 4!
I LOVE Serafina - even though it has been co-opted by Hollywood types.
How about
Zelda (love F. Scott!)
All girls I have actually met!
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