Actually when I ponder it I think the Taj Mahal may have had less time and thought invested in it.
Beau has been lovingly and methodically slaving away at this Chook Palace for weeks now. In the meanwhile our poor girls have been shunted around like itinerant Gypsy's whilst Beau madly hammered away on the few days he gets away from work.
I'm so proud of his handiwork, between the fact it was practically free( lucky for us we live in a new development...hence lots of skip bins filled with timber scraps)
and the fact he managed to do something so technical with no plans and nothing but a few basic tools...well shucks and all that but I have a new respect for The Man of Much hair aka The Husband.
So it was move in date for the girls today, and after much cursing and experimenting to get the coop out of the garage it's finally in place and chookies look noticeably happier already.
Anyway enough of the praise for Man of the House, and back to my favourite bragging about myself.
I made homemade pasta today( it's amazing the things you can achieve when 2/3's of your children are being cared for by government employees)
It wasn't bad at all even if I do say so myself...but I think I'll have to find a better drying tool, I'm not sure draped across the back of my kitchen stools was completely ideal.
I served it with a cream,garlic,basil reduction and it was none too hoovered it down but that isn't unusual for them, they'll consume anything.
So once again another riverting insight to the Davidson household,I bet you can hardly contain the excitement Dear Constant Reader.
He did a fantastic job! But where are their roosts?
I dry my pasta the same way, you've made me crave it
You can't see it in the pics I put up but their roosting beam runs under the pointy bit of the roof if that makes sense lol.
Only Zen Hen seems so like to roost though, Angry Chook and poppet just go in the nesting box.
Eden that is how we used to dry pasta at Nonna & Nonno's...!
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