Well I'm kid free for the day and have finally found my Blog mojo again, this house has been very lacking in excitement other than the fact Cairns has seemed to reach a new record for hot/stickiness, so I've been spending most of my time huge and pregnant at the computer refreshing Facebook(therefore not cooking or gardening) and whinging about the heat.
Of course ice cream is always one way to motivate me, and when my brothers girlfriend offered a swap of the awesome ice cream where she works for some Macadamia cookies I hauled myself into action.
Here is the recipe for those who requested.
Macadamia and White Choc Chip Cookies
250g softened butter
2 cups of soft brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp milk
2 beaten eggs
3 cups plain flour
2 tsp baking powder.
1 cup chopped macadamia nuts
1 cup white choc chips
Cream butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
Add vanilla,milk and beaten egg and fold in.
Mix in flour and baking powder until combined.
Gently fold through nuts and chocolate.
Bake at 180 for approx 15 minutes.
Enjoy :)
The garden is coming along nicely,after wondering if we were going to have any joy with the corn it suddenly decided to rocket up and is now higher than the neighbours fence with little immature cobs on it. I had to get Beau to make me a cover for the raised garden bed as the cats had decided it was the Worlds Largest Litter Tray and scratched up all my baby seedlings, but that's now replanted.
The little self seeded pumpkin has taken over the lawn now and has lots of lovely little baby pumps on it.
Mum also came over the other day and helped me get my Autumn planting of curcubits in as well as a new lot of hybrid sunflowers and some winged bean seeds that an lovely Earth Garden member sent me.
Speaking of curcubits, I have a Zucchini dilemma, I've been getting lots of little baby Black Zucchinis, but most of them have been becoming ridged and sort of shrivelling.
It doesn't seem to be a fertilisation issue, it doesn't just happen to the immature ones but right up to ones around 10cms. They seem fine one minute then start developing ridges and yellowing. Nothing I've found on the Great Google seems to explain it?
We've also had another arrival into this crazy family. Man of The House's sister had her first babe on Tuesday,now I'm the first to admit that I'm not generally a baby person and tend to think all newborns look like Winston Churchill but baby Matilda is just divine. Congrats Jaimee and Nick she's just lovely.
Other than that it's just a bit of a waiting game for our new unnamed Bebe to arrive in the Davidson household. With the older kids at school and only Miss Theodora the terror at home I feel like I'm just sitting around twiddling my thumbs in expectation and waiting now. I know I really should be baking/freezing/preparing things now but it's just been so hot that all motivation seems to have deserted me for cooler climes.
On that note, the couch and my Costa dvd is calling me, I'll leave you all with a final image. Raphaela's latest artistic rendition of the family, as you can tell I'm the round one in the middle!
Until we meet again.