Friday, November 23, 2007

Lady in Red.

Well girl technically, but in red nonetheless!

Excuse the fact she was trying to scale a couch to try to escape seems my children are often trying to do that.

We had another lovely relaxing day today, C.A.F.E Enfield for Mytime (Love you Tricia!)...then to Erins to drop Bruno off for a sleepover.

I've just finished having a delicious and lazy dinner of veggie wraps & now theres nothing more to do than relax with a glass of vino and browse ebay.

I also have included some old pics of Teddy...the only child who could fall asleep covered in food in an Ikea highchair.

1 comment:

Danni said...

Gorgeous pics as usual Eden! I love seeing pics of your beautiful kids, keep em coming!